Say hello to Ship & Save. It’s our new loyalty program that’s all about rewarding you: the more you ship, the more you save. With discounts of up to 55% off our new low Sendle Standard rate, four Sendlers are already raving about it.
TL;DR (too long; didn't read)
- Andres from Sydney Sock Project is projected to save an extra $7.2K per annum by moving to Ship and Save, and that's without optimising his volume. That’s on top of the $8k he’s already saving using 250g.
- With 49% of their orders falling within our new, more granular ranges Near Metro and Near Capital, Eugene from The Sneaker Laundry is saving big (when compared with his Australia Post National zone rates).
- Along with the $6k per month already saved thanks to shipping with Sendle, Jared from The Print Bar will see a further 10% of savings by moving 100% of his shipping volume to Ship & Save Level 5, when compared with MyPost Business Band 5.
- They’ve already got 150,000 reasons to love Sendle and, if The WOD Life were to ship even more of their parcels with Sendle, Ben and Andy would unlock our super-secret Level 7 savings and see their overall shipping spend (across Sendle and their other providers) go down by about $6,000 per month.
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Truly cheaper shipping
Spend less on shipping.
It’s the mantra of small business owners across Australia. Why? Because shipping is a great place to reduce business costs. Rather than absorbing them or passing them on to your customers by hiking product prices, reducing your overheads just makes sense.
But how can you spend less on shipping when Australia Post is out there raising shipping prices by a whopping 9.95% (weighted average, rates released July 2023)? A 9.95% rate hike is higher than inflation.
In fact, Australia Post has increased their price to ship a 500g parcel by 24% over the past 5 years. Sendle’s 500g same-city rate, meanwhile, has only gone up by 2%.
Luckily, you do have another option. Ahem, it’s us (Sendle 👋). Unlike Australia Post, our rate update that began rolling out August 1 2023 is all about rewarding you for shipping more of your parcels with Sendle. Sound good? Read on, dear shipper, read on…
Finally, an end to ship-shopping
Look, we get it, most savvy small businesses are shipping-shoppers. You’re using clever shipping solution integrations like ShipStation or Starshipit to tell you which shipping provider will give you the cheapest rate on a single parcel, label or consignment.
What your shipping integration can’t tell you is how much you could save if you were to send ALL of your parcels with Sendle.
That’s where Ship & Save comes in.
Spending $4k+ per month on shipping?
Contact us about super-special savings
Discounts that grow with you – that’s Ship & Save
Ship & Save is our new loyalty program that’s all about rewarding you: the more you ship, the more you save!

A few fun pricing stats:
- Ship a 500g parcel from just $7.88 – that’s the Sendle Standard rate including GST, excluding fuel, and it’s a massive $2.72 less than Australia Post’s Standard MyPost Business rates.
- Spend just $50 on shipping with us in a 4-week period and you’ll save up to 18% off Sendle Standard rates.
- When business really kicks off, and you’re spending $4k+ over 4 weeks, you’ll save up to 55% off Sendle Standard rates.
How do the discounts and levels work?
You’ll level up and down automatically. If business booms any time within your 4-week cycle (and you hit the minimum for a higher level, well done you) we'll level you up with more discounts the very next day!
If things slow down, you’ll get a 4-week grace period to get business back on track. No need to contact us. Nothing to do but focus on growing your business. And, you can track your cumulative spend for the current 4-week period from your Sendle dashboard.
And the same Sendle flexibility you love:
- No subscriptions
- No lock-in contracts (in fact, no contracts at all)
- No charge for us to pick up from you
- Included Sendle Cover, tracking and support
Rewards to rave about
Sydney Sock Project

Founder Andres Herrero, Sydney Sock Project
Andres from Sydney Sock Project has loved Sendle for a while. Thanks to 250g Sendle Pouch, he was already saving a cool $8k per year sending socks with Sendle’s right-weight, right-price shipping.
Now, with the unveiling of Ship & Save, Andres will see further savings – our new rate to send a 500g parcel (that’s up to 10 pairs of society-supporting socks) is now significantly better than Australia Post’s.
~ Andres, founder, Sydney Sock Project
The Sneaker Laundry

Co-founders Chase Maccini (left) and Eugene Cheng (right), The Sneaker Laundry
Eugene’s business, The Sneaker Laundry, is all about polishing up your tired kicks so you can wear them as proudly as the day you bought them. He ships shoe cleaner kits and protective accessories around Australia and internationally.
A whopping 49% of their orders fall within our newly defined ranges of ‘Near Metro’ and ‘Near Capital’. For Eugene, these ranges mean shipping from his Melbourne store to Geelong (Near Metro), or from his Sydney store to Brisbane (Near Capital) is much cheaper than if he sent the same parcels as National with Australia Post.
~ Eugene, co-founder, The Sneaker Laundry
The Print Bar

Founder Jared Fullinfaw, The Print Bar
Shipping is crucial for the success of Jared’s business, The Print Bar. Hundreds of parcels are packed and sent daily from their Melbourne and Brisbane warehouses, so they need shipping that’s reliable, and affordable.
Thanks to Ship & Save, and the discounts Jared will enjoy as a Level 7 Sendler, The Print Bar is set to save 10% on shipping in the coming year.
~ Jared, founder, The Print Bar
The WOD Life

Co-founders Ben Dineen (left) and Andy Lee (right), The WOD Life
The WOD Life (TWL for short) is a destination to help you discover what you're capable of. Providing everyone – from the beginner signing up to the gym to the athlete throwing down in their next competition – with high quality products, expert advice and motivation all in one place.
Price hikes and simple integration with ShipStation made moving most of their shipping volume to Sendle a no-brainer. In fact, when their accountant realised they could save about $1 per parcel with Sendle, they just about fell off their chair. And that was pre-Ship & Save.
~ Ben, co-founder, The WOD Life
Ship & Save webinar
Keen to dig deeper on Ship & Save? Why not watch our 30-minute webinar, recorded on August 3, 2023.
You’ll meet Sendle Australia’s General Manager, Laura Hill, as well Jessica Turnbull, our Director of Marketing & Communications. And, you’ll hear Sydney Sock Project’s Andres Herrero share in more detail about what Ship & Save, and Sendle more broadly, means for his business.
Is Sendle’s simple, reliable, affordable and 100% carbon neutral shipping helping your small business kick big goals? We’d love to hear, and help share, your story via the Sendle blog, social media, and more!
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