Phew! What a year!

As 2019 winds down, we wanted to thank you for all of your support. 

At Sendle, we never thought shipping should get in the way of a good business idea, so we’ve designed our network to help small businesses thrive. 

And thrive you have! You guys are amazing! You’ve Sendled everything from love spells to puppy pyjamas, and your parcels have travelled from Broken Hill to Argentina. 

In fact, our parcels have travelled so far, that together we’ve made it as far as our non-planet planet Pluto! And every step was 100% carbon neutral - the long-nosed Potoroo and our other carbon offsetting projects thank you.

In fact, this was a big year for sharing Sendle’s environmental philosophy. We issued our 100% carbon neutral challenge with thousands of you sharing our stickers around the world. We also marched in the Global Climate Strikes, showing our support for the young people calling for policy action. 

Listening to your feedback, we’ve also worked hard to bring you the services that allow your businesses to compete with the big guys, on your terms. 

We’ve rolled out our new Unlimited Satchel: if it fits it ships, launched our compostable satchel store and dropped our international rates to help during the busiest season. Our pick up network has grown larger again, and we’ve brought you more ways to earn Velocity Points just by sending packages. 

We strive every day to make Sendle the best service it can be so you can give the best service to your customers.

Thank you so much for all your support; here’s to a wonderful 2020!

The Sendle Team

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