Sendle is the only completely carbon neutral shipping service in the US and Australia. This means that no net carbon emissions result from shipments done with Sendle. And, we’ve been doing it that way since day one.

One of many ways we achieve this is by calculating the highest amount of carbon generated for all packages sent and offset it by funding projects that combat climate change. 

We choose the projects we support by putting it to a vote in our community of business owners (that could be you!).

From providing clean energy cookstoves to protecting endangered species and forests, the projects we invest via our carbon offset partner South Pole all focus on limiting carbon emissions and protecting our most efficient carbon capture machines—trees.

Meet the Afognak Forest Carbon project

Sitka black-tailed deer, Roosevelt elk, and Kodiak brown bears, oh my!

Part of Alaska’s Kodiak Archipelago and surrounded by sub-arctic waters, Afognak Island is home to dense Sitka spruce forests and an abundance of native wildlife. 

Kodiak bears in the Afognak Forest Beavers by the Afognak Forest

A multitude of majestic whale species—gray, humpback, minke, orca—populate the frigid waters around the island while sea lions and all manner of marine mammals sun themselves contentedly on the shores.

The Afognak Forest Carbon Project is 8,219 acres of low elevation, coastal temperate rainforest. Lakes, wetlands, streams, and 200-year old Sitka spruce forests make up the majority of the project land.

The lush greenery of the Afognak Forest Fog in Afognak Forest

About 15% of Afrognak Forest has been met with aggressive clear-cut logging since the 1980s. Attempts to let the land regenerate naturally have been met with little success, leaving a scar on an otherwise unspoiled wilderness.

The project’s mission is to maintain, restore, and protect this pristine wilderness and its wildlife in perpetuity.

By safeguarding the rainforest as it exists and implementing restoration and preventative management, this project will revitalize biodiversity and maintain its vibrant ecosystem.

On average, the Afognak Forest Carbon Project will alleviate over 40,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions each year. 

That’s equal to the CO2 emissions from one year of electricity use for 6,850 homes. Or 1,653,600 propane cylinders for your BBQ situation. Or 4,551,700 gallons of gasoline for your thirsty vehicle. That’s a lot of emissions! 

Sendle Afognak Afognak Forest carbon emissions infographic

Calculated using greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator.

How exciting!

We’re so happy to be supporting this incredible project. It’s not always easy to see the impact that our decisions have on the environment. 

We can continue carrying around our reusable water bottles, eschewing car commuting for the bustle of the city bus, choosing beans over beef—all without being able to visualize its impact.

They all help, no doubt.

But, in the case of shipping with Sendle, you can see the mossy old-growth Sitka spruce trees, the big brown bears, the playful sea lions. That’s what you are protecting by being a part of the Sendle family. 

So far, Sendlers have offset 500 metric tons of carbon emissions through the Afognak Forest Carbon project. For the sake of visualization, this is the same weight as 735 Kodiak brown bears, probably trying for the largest bear pyramid in history.

We’ll continue to invest in projects like this because we believe that businesses should be a force for good. Thank you for helping us.

Ship sustainably with Sendle

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