Beneath the glamorous facade of fashion lies a troubling reality. In an industry that has long been tainted by inefficient supply chains, unnecessary waste, counterfeiting, ...
It’s B Corp Month and International Women’s Day! To celebrate, we’ve profiled a group of strong, intelligent, empathetic, courageous and inspiring leading ladies making a ...
Is social media your friend or foe? For small business owners that think the latter, we hear you. But, social shopping really is a different kettle of fish – here's how it ...
If you've spent any time on TikTok or YouTube, chances are you’ve seen one of those feel-good videos of a benevolent person swiping their public transport card for a stranger ...
Online shopping is fun, convenient and useful, but there is a hidden cost to the planet. Thankfully, conscious consumerism is the purchasing panacea we’ve been waiting for!
For many small business owners in the States, shipping over oceans can feel like a far-out dream. At Sendle, we believe that small businesses can grow further than where ...
It’s that time of year again. The time of the lipstick-red roses and heart-shaped boxes of mystery chocolates. The time of biting one’s lip in the greeting card aisle and ...
Now that the season of gift giving is well and truly over, you might find yourself with some things that aren’t quite you. The good news? There’s a planet-friendly way you ...
We know there’s a lot to catch up on (we see you, neverending inbox). While this is the time of year that all the carriers raise their prices, Sendle is here to make sure ...
We don’t want to toot our own horn, but there are some pretty cluey people at Sendle. Our team is made up of experts in sustainability, product development, sales, ...
If you’ve been in the business of sustainability for a while, making sustainable business resolutions may feel like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Sustainable packaging? ...
Ordoro is the all-in-one logistics platform designed to help small eCommerce businesses grow. Our new integration with Ordoro helps small businesses thrive online, by ...
It’s safe to say that 2022 was pretty jam-packed. We profiled Sendlers making great brews (coffee and frothy, cold ones), launched a product to ship your small and light ...
At Sendle, supporting small businesses has always been our top priority. And for the many small businesses we know and love, the holiday season is a pretty important time of ...
Pre-owned, secondhand and vintage items have made a comeback. Vintage clothing, rare in its one-of-a-kindness, paves the way for self expression and individuality. Pre-owned ...
Introducing Google Analytics for beginners! Specifically, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the younger, cooler version of the old Universal Analytics (UA). And with GA4 replacing UA ...
Don’t be caught off guard this holiday season. Because this year (*queue Billy Mack’s Love Actually song tune*) inflation is all around us. Shoppers are expected to buy fewer ...
Green Friday is on a mission to disrupt retail consumerism; an alternative to the bargain-seeking, mindless-consumerism of pre-Christmas shopping events like Black Friday and ...
From chatbots and cheery communication to staff hires and good tape, it doesn’t hurt to be extra prepared for eCommerce’s busiest time of year: the holiday season.
If you’re considering setting up an online store, you’ve no doubt stumbled upon Shopify. One of the most popular platforms for online selling, it’s not just for small ...
A lot of small businesses start in people’s homes, and nobody wants to live in a packed warehouse. We talked with illustrator Elizabeth Person about shipping made-to-order ...
The resale market is growing 11-times faster than traditional retail. So, how can brands get involved in the circular economy, manage more sales and help us all live more ...
What looks like a cross between a boot brush and a sloth, can be held (gingerly) in two hands and has a name that, in Latin, means quick tongue? Nope, it’s not your ...
At Sendle, we’ve always been committed to helping small businesses thrive with shipping that’s simple, reliable, good for the planet, and always affordable. But as word of a ...