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Find your bright side in sustainable shipping and small business growth.

How to find the right products for your amazing subscription box

A subscription box service is an exciting offering, giving your customers something to look forward to on a regular basis. Once you’ve managed to narrow in on a strong niche and deliver something exciting, your customers will want to stick with you.

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Sustainability | 6 min read
mars 16, 2021

Why become a B Corp?

In 2006, three chums in Pennsylvania up and left their careers to create an organization devoted to helping mission-driven companies increase their positive impact. They ...
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Small Business Marketing | 5 min read
mars 8, 2021

Color psychology marketing: How to use color to convince them to buy

While first impressions may not be everything, in a world where there are products upon products to choose from, you want to make sure that your first impression is the ...
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Customer Experience | 13 min read
mars 1, 2021

Customer Research Methods: How to know your customer better

If you fancy yourself as a curious, customer-centric business owner who wants to create, make, and ship products people love, then performing great customer research (AKA UX ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
février 24, 2021

5 tips to optimize your product pages for increased sales and fewer returns

You’re getting oodles of traffic to your eCommerce store. You’re really proud of your products and you have an adoring set of social media fans. But why do you have more ...
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Small Business Marketing | 5 min read
février 22, 2021

Customer loyalty programs: Building valuable relationships through rewards

Creating a sense of loyalty in your customers is important to keep them coming back for more. Finding new customers is great but retaining existing customers is even better. ...
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Starting an Online Store | 10 min read
février 16, 2021

The complete guide to Buy Now, Pay Later services

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services are all the rage these days. The phrase alone excites. I can get something now and pay for it later? Sign me up!
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Packing & Shipping | 8 min read
février 4, 2021

How to package and ship jewelry to your amazing customers

The golden rule with ensuring your jewelry is safe lies in how you package your precious stones. You want them to travel safely, discreetly, and with style to your adoring ...
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Starting an Online Store | 2 min read
janvier 26, 2021

Free inventory management templates to keep track of your goods

Your goods are the star of your business—from their flattering photo shoots to the careful decorative bundling for their final travels. So, it's vital you know how many you ...
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Starting an Online Store | 3 min read
janvier 26, 2021

Small business templates and spreadsheets to simplify your workflow

Running a small business is no simple task. Often, as the owner, you are wearing a number of hats on any given day.
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Starting an Online Store | 3 min read
janvier 26, 2021

Free invoicing templates for your small business

Having readymade templates is pretty nice when you are running a business. Instead of fiddling around in Excel, trying to get all the relevant fields together, you could just ...
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Starting an Online Store | 3 min read
janvier 26, 2021

Free small business employee & expense form templates

As a small business owner, you need to have simple yet powerful tools at your disposal to manage all the data that comes out of running a business. A big part of that is ...
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Starting an Online Store | 4 min read
janvier 26, 2021

Free financial planning templates for your small business

A good spreadsheet can accomplish a lot, especially for unraveling the minutae of your small business' finances. The difference between being close and being right is vast, ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
janvier 13, 2021

Average Order Value: 5 ways to grow your sales by growing your carts

You’re getting a ton of traffic to your store, your conversion rates are high, you have way more social media followers than you ever thought possible, but your monthly ...
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
janvier 7, 2021

Customer retention strategies: Keep your customers, sell more stuff

Although some businesses sell products that are one-time purchases like cars, record players, and fridges, most small businesses rely on repeat purchases as part of their ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
janvier 6, 2021

How to create an FAQ page that answers their burning questions

You’ve created an online store, added professional photography to every product page, and splattered your brand all over social media. Do you really need to bother with FAQs ...
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
décembre 17, 2020

Google Shopping 101: How to get more customers for free

It feels like everything is online these days, from dating to books. The same applies to retail—why go to a store when you can simply get your heart’s desires delivered ...
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Starting an Online Store | 11 min read
décembre 3, 2020

How to start your online t-shirt business the right way

Did you know that the best time to start an eCommerce store is right now? According to a recent study conducted by Statista, eCommerce sales are predicted to surpass $740 ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
novembre 3, 2020

How to build trust with your customers and make your sales grow

Would you hand over your credit card details to a website that’s riddled with spelling errors and looks like it was made in 1996? Imagine entrusting your security to a ...
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Starting an Online Store | 7 min read
octobre 19, 2020

How to craft the perfect shipping policy to drive loyalty

Shipping is one of the most important parts of the customer journey (and oh so exciting too). It represents the final steps of the customer experience and it is what they’ll ...
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eCommerce Platforms | 9 min read
octobre 13, 2020

How to sell on Facebook Marketplace the right way

When Facebook launched Facebook Marketplace back in 2016, it was created with businesses and communities in mind. For example, think yard sales and spring cleaning: the ...
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eCommerce Platforms | 6 min read
août 3, 2020

What should you be selling on Etsy?

Reminiscent of your local arts and crafts fair, yet more mature and online, Etsy is redolent with that trade show nostalgia. A global internet marketplace, Etsy is a mecca ...
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Sustainability | 2 min read
juin 23, 2020

The consumer shift toward sustainable shopping [Infographic]

Becoming a sustainable company is a selfless pursuit for many eco-conscious business owners. But, increasingly, consumers are showing that they will gladly shell out their ...
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Starting an Online Store | 18 min read
mai 5, 2020

WFH: 47 ideas for starting a business from home

Whether because you just want to be your own boss or because life has thrust you into it, starting a small business from home is absolutely in the cards.
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Packing & Shipping | 4 min read
avril 6, 2020

How to manage inventory and avoid disappointing your customers

It can be one of the trickiest challenges a small business faces—how to effectively manage inventory and prevent overselling your stock.
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Packing & Shipping | 4 min read
mars 17, 2020

Which pick and pack process is right for your business?

So, you’ve started to see your orders pick up. As your one or two daily orders go up to 10 or 20, the time it takes to ship is similarly multiplied.
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Productivity | 4 min read
février 20, 2020

How to hire a virtual assistant and why you should

It’s likely you’ve set up your small business to live out your dream and be your own boss. Wonderful!
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Starting an Online Store | 11 min read
janvier 28, 2020

The art of numbers: Pricing strategies and psychology

The success of a business is dependent on a whole host of interconnected ingredients. Obviously, you want to sell something that people want to buy. And, you need to get it ...
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