Sendle blog

Find your bright side in sustainable shipping and small business growth.

Your guide to driving social engagement with Instagram captions

Instagram is a visual mecca for small businesses, attracting around 200 million eyeballs to at least one business profile daily.

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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
janvier 7, 2021

Customer retention strategies: Keep your customers, sell more stuff

Although some businesses sell products that are one-time purchases like cars, record players, and fridges, most small businesses rely on repeat purchases as part of their ...
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
décembre 17, 2020

Google Shopping 101: How to get more customers for free

It feels like everything is online these days, from dating to books. The same applies to retail—why go to a store when you can simply get your heart’s desires delivered ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
décembre 7, 2020

Social proof: What it is and why you should be doing it

When you’re on the hunt for a new skincare product and a friend recommends a $10 facial serum that none other than Kim Kardashian also swears by, you’re probably going to be ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
novembre 24, 2020

How to use Google My Business to get more customers (for free)

Google. It’s such a big search engine it’s become synonymous with searching for something online. Just think about how many times you've told someone, or been told, to ...
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Customer Experience | 8 min read
novembre 10, 2020

eCommerce trends: Staying ahead of the curve in 2020

Looking back on the brief history of online shopping, it wasn’t clear at the time that a humble Amazon book sale in 1995 would spark the beginning of an online shopping ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
novembre 5, 2020

How to optimize your checkout process to drive sales and conversions

They’ve seen your marketing. They’ve browsed your products. They’ve even added a few to their cart. Then, at the last minute, they pull out. 😭
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eCommerce Platforms | 6 min read
octobre 29, 2020

Buy It Now vs Auction: How to sell most effectively on eBay

When listing a product on eBay, you have two choices: auction or Buy It Now. It can really feel like a daunting decision.
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Sustainability | 8 min read
octobre 22, 2020

10 awesome unboxing experiences that spotlight sustainability

If you’re using the internet in 2020, you’ve most likely come across the phenomenon that is unboxing experiences. It involves a person unpacking or unwrapping a package ...
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Small Business Marketing | 30 min read
octobre 21, 2020

Hey Sendler, Ep 4:  Making products pop with great photography

For our fourth episode of Hey Sendler, Jenn talked with Shidume Lozada all about product photography. Nothing sells a product online as well as incredible photography and in ...
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Starting an Online Store | 10 min read
octobre 8, 2020

How to prepare your store for the big Black Friday rush

As we move into a very different holiday season, store owners need to get prepared for one of their most consequential holidays—Black Friday (and its companion, Cyber Monday).
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Small Business Marketing | 7 min read
septembre 24, 2020

How to use cognitive biases to understand your customers and sell more

Successful and influential marketing demonstrates a solid understanding of the customer, their needs, and their expectations.
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
septembre 1, 2020

eCommerce personalization: Why it pays to know your customer

The hallmark of any successful business is its ability to grow and retain loyal customers. At its core is understanding who your customers are and knowing what they need.
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
août 24, 2020

How to use Instagram to drive customers to your cool new shop

So you’ve chosen what you’re selling and made the appropriate changes to bring more shoppers to your store. Fantastic job! What’s next?
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Small Business Marketing | 6 min read
août 17, 2020

9 compelling reasons you’ll love marketing on Pinterest

Pinterest is like the alternative arty cousin to social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So, exactly what is it and why should you incorporate it into your ...
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eCommerce Platforms | 9 min read
août 3, 2020

Etsy SEO: How to drive more shoppers to your store

OK, you’ve set up your Etsy storefront. Great job! Now those witty newborn onesies you’ve been working so hard on will just fly off the shelves, right?
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Starting an Online Store | 7 min read
mai 21, 2020

How to make a truly great About Us page

Your About Us page is a very important part of your online store. When someone walks into a small brick-and-mortar shop, there’s a face behind the counter. They can see who ...
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Starting an Online Store | 10 min read
mai 19, 2020

11 amazing examples of effective About Us pages

You should know that when people visit your eCommerce store, they’ll likely take a gander at your About Us or Meet the Team page. In fact, 52% of people want to see the About ...
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Starting an Online Store | 6 min read
avril 30, 2020

4 valuable alternatives to discounting for building customer loyalty

Our guest contributor today is Chris Guillot, founder and retail consultant at Merchant Method. Chris works to empower small brands to succeed in a changing market and grow ...
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Small Business Marketing | 4 min read
avril 14, 2020

The Coming Soon page and why pre-launch marketing is essential

Just like brick-and-mortar stores and restaurants need to drum up interest before they open with snazzy signage, online retailers also need to generate some hype before they ...
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Customer Experience | 6 min read
mars 31, 2020

Tips to keep your eCommerce returns to a minimum

Return shipments are expected to cost $550 billion this year alone, according to US research. Not a cheap change of heart.
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Small Business Marketing | 7 min read
mars 24, 2020

5 eCommerce email marketing tips to cut through the clutter

Email is one of the most common and effective channels for connecting with your customers. Make the best of that with a powerful email marketing strategy.
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Small Business Marketing | 4 min read
mars 12, 2020

How to use stunning images to create picture perfect websites

More than half of our first impressions about a person are built from visual cues (55 percent). And our prevailing views about them are formed within the first seven seconds ...
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Starting an Online Store | 4 min read
janvier 23, 2020

How to write fabulous product descriptions that really sell

You’ve spent time and money crafting some beautiful images to show your product in its best light. And while it’s true—the product image is a customer's first impression—the ...
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Small Business Marketing | 3 min read
février 26, 2018

Are you making the most of Instagram Stories?

Hello again! So, February’s almost over. That means school’s back in and we’re just about ready for another holiday.
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Small Business Marketing | 4 min read
janvier 16, 2018

The importance of social responsibility (and more!)

Here we are: 2018. Resolutions made and possibly already broken. The cricket's on the telly and the beach is beckoning - BUT there's still business to be done.
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