Sam McKeith's blogs

Small Business Marketing | 4 min read
avril 14, 2020

The Coming Soon page and why pre-launch marketing is essential

Just like brick-and-mortar stores and restaurants need to drum up interest before they open with snazzy signage, online retailers also need to generate some hype before they ...
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Packing & Shipping | 4 min read
avril 6, 2020

How to manage inventory and avoid disappointing your customers

It can be one of the trickiest challenges a small business faces—how to effectively manage inventory and prevent overselling your stock.
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Packing & Shipping | 4 min read
mars 17, 2020

Which pick and pack process is right for your business?

So, you’ve started to see your orders pick up. As your one or two daily orders go up to 10 or 20, the time it takes to ship is similarly multiplied.
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Sustainability | 5 min read
mars 4, 2020

5 common sustainable packaging fails and how to do better

In today’s climate-conscious world, companies, not-for-profits, and individuals are all looking for ways to cut their carbon footprint and consciously lessen their impact on ...
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Productivity | 3 min read
février 27, 2020

5 surefire ways to stick to your small business resolutions

As the new year kicks off, it’s a great time to set resolutions aimed at turbocharging your small business for the 12 months ahead.
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Customer Experience | 3 min read
février 25, 2020

5 tidy tips for shipping clothes nicely and neatly

There’s nothing worse for customers than pulling out a crumpled or damaged dress from their newly-arrived parcel (I mean, aside from receiving a box full of scorpions, and no ...
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Productivity | 4 min read
février 20, 2020

How to hire a virtual assistant and why you should

It’s likely you’ve set up your small business to live out your dream and be your own boss. Wonderful!
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