Comfort is the heartbeat of anti-thigh chafing brand Undersummers, and that includes feeling comfortable with shipping rates.

Undersummers offers free shipping for orders $85 and above—without margins feeling tight or painful—thanks to Sendle and DesktopShipper’s affordable shipping solutions. In fact, the brand’s Founder and CEO CarrieRae Munson said they managed to save 32% on shipping in 2023 using Sendle and DesktopShipper, a huge leap that helped them invest in other parts of their business.


Thighs aren’t the limit with Undersummers

Thigh chafing can be incredibly frustrating. There’s itching, redness, painful rubbing, dryness, or worse comes to worse, peeling and irritation. In 2011, CarrieRae faced these issues herself. She loved wearing dresses, but her thighs were rubbing off each other, causing discomfort, so she wanted something that can help her wear what she wants without dealing with thigh chafing unpleasantness.


That’s when the idea of creating an anti-chafing underwear solution popped in. CarrieRae went on to create The Original Lace Shortlette®️, something women can seamlessly wear under their favorite dresses, and feel all comfy, beautiful, and confident in their bodies.

Undersummers is also loved for producing cute sleepwear, tanktops, t-shirts, camisoles, leggings, joggers, and cardigans that come in a wide range of sizes—from small to 5x.


Nailing the perfect fit to their shipping budget

Shipping costs have dramatically increased in recent years, so CarrieRae’s always on the lookout for cheaper alternatives. The team used a system that chose the best rate per package, and through that system, they came across Sendle in October 2022. Since then, the majority of their shipments have been with Sendle, enabling Undersummers to keep their pricing competitive.

Photo of CarrieRae Munson CEO Undersummers

“About half of our orders go via Sendle. Even a few cents makes a difference when you are shipping high volume, so the savings Sendle is able to offer makes a difference.”

CarrieRae Munson, Founder and CEO, Undersummers

In 2023, Undersummers began using DesktopShipper, a shipping and order management solution partnered with Sendle. By leveraging DesktopShipper’s real-time rating tool, the company saved over $10,000 on shipments last year.

The combination of Sendle's competitive rates and DesktopShipper's intelligent rate selection has proven to be a powerful solution, enabling efficient and cost-effective shipment management.

undersummers-luxvneck undersummers-underdress-leggings


Shipping rates on point with Sendle Saver

With tens of thousands of packages shipped through Sendle on DesktopShipper, we asked CarrieRae what her favorite shipping product was, to which she pleasantly replied, “We use Sendle Saver the most.”

With current Sendle Saver rates, Undersummers is saving up to 23.13% per package compared to commercial rates.To optimize these savings, DesktopShipper allows Undersummers to pre-set rules based on criteria like cost and delivery speed, ensuring that each package is automatically rated with the Sendle Saver service against other chosen service options.

Sendle Saver is best for businesses that prioritize cost savings over speed of delivery. Although packages may take an extra day or two for delivery, this trade-off leverages alternative last mile carriers for maximum savings.

Finding lost packages in a timely fashion

Lost packages are inevitable, but how they’re handled makes all the difference. In the past, Undersummers faced challenges recovering lost packages with other carriers due to poor support and unresponsive customer service. This made them particularly appreciative of Sendle’s investigation feature. “[With other providers,] it is hard to find an actual representative to talk to,” CarrieRae mentioned.

Now, in the event of a lost package, Undersummers can quickly file investigation tickets, and the Sendle support team responds quickly, usually finding lost packages before their expected time of deliveries.

“Sendle investigations actually produce. [They] are usually fruitful within 1-2 days,” she added.

undersummers-sleepwear undersummers-shortlette

No-frills navigation on the Sendle Dashboard & DesktopShipper

With lots of things on their plate, from designing the best apparel to marketing and growing their community, Undersummers wants to keep the shipping process nothing but efficient and hassle-free.

Fortunately, both the Sendle Dashboard and DesktopShipper platforms are designed with user-friendly interfaces, ensuring the entire shipping process—from navigating pages and booking orders to entering package details and processing payments—is streamlined and convenient. With this intuitive experience, Undersummers can focus on their core business activities while confidently managing their shipping needs.

Pro tip: Reliable shipping can bring in more business

Reliable shipping plays a huge part in Undersummers’ expansion both in clientele and partnerships. Timely deliveries helped them build trust and loyalty in their community, while responsive customer support provided peace of mind. At the same time, Sendle’s 100% carbon neutral shipments have strengthened their brand values.

“We have new product launches coming up for fall and spring 2025, so that is very exciting. We have been able to reliably ship for our Kohl’s partner, and are looking forward to a new partnership with Full Figure Brands,” CarrieRae shared.

The best deal? They got so much more than great rates

For Undersummers, pricing is the deciding factor when choosing services. It’s one of the reasons they recommended Sendle and DesktopShipper to friends and fellow entrepreneurs, too. But the cherry on top is that both offer numerous added benefits.

They’ve been enjoying a long list of extra treats in the past two years, like free pickups, convenient drop offs, free cover against loss and damage, priority business support, real-time tracking, and 100% carbon neutral deliveries. Plus, with Sendle, there are no subscription fees, no peak surcharges, and no minimum order requirements.

With Sendle and DesktopShipper, Undersummers found that top-grade, all-in-one shipping solutions can be both affordable and comprehensive.


To sign up with Sendle and DesktopShipper, follow these steps:

To shop Undersummer’s latest collection and bestsellers, visit their website.

Send a package

Photos courtesy: Undersummers

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