Sendle blog

Find your bright side in sustainable shipping and small business growth.

The secret to tasty produce from your own garden? Composting at home.

Ever thought about composting at home? Not just saving up food and yard waste for the city council to collect, but creating your own natural, nutrient-rich fertilizer to keep your yard, garden, and houseplants happy. It’s easier than you think.

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Sustainability | 6 min read
December 22, 2021

Sendle’s big, bold, 2021-derful year

The end of the year is a wonderful time to relax, reflect, and take stock of what we accomplished. And then enjoy the holidays before doing even more in 2022!
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Sustainability | 2 min read
November 2, 2021

The Intuit Climate Action Marketplace: A new place to find greener solutions for your small business

Sendle has joined the Intuit Climate Action Marketplace: Sustainable choices at your fingertips.
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Sustainability | 6 min read
November 1, 2021

Shipping with Purpose: A Q&A with our new Director of Sustainability!

It’s easy to say you put Earth first, but following through on that promise is what matters. That’s why Sendle created a Directory of Sustainability position: to keep us ...
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Sustainability | 4 min read
October 19, 2021

We’ve gone green! Why we’ve changed our logo for climate change

Green is the new black… or in Sendle’s case, the new orange!
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Sustainability | 4 min read
October 13, 2021

The choice is yours: Invest in the Earth for a greener future

Every year, we partner with our Sendler community to invest in environmental projects that preserve and regenerate Earth’s ecosystems.These projects balance out or offset the ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
October 5, 2021

Black Millennial Vegan: Redefining traditions one wholesome meal at a time

Los Angeles-based Imari Scott-Cheatham is on a wellness mission to challenge her community’s eating habits and remind the world that health is real wealth.
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Sustainability | 5 min read
July 15, 2021

The tasty and tropical materials tackling our plastic waste problem

Whether you’re a climate warrior, aspiring environmentalist or just a mindful human wandering the earth, you’ve likely heard a thing or two about the wastefulness of ...
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Sustainability | 3 min read
July 1, 2021

The case for compostable packaging

More and more, your eCommerce customers demand packaging that won't end up in landfill. That's why we offer an earth-friendly alternative to your usual packaging. Fully ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
June 7, 2021

Climate Cookery: Utilizing traditional crops for modern foods

What we eat is as central to who we are as the clothes we wear or our favorite books. But, there are many foods we’ve never gotten the chance to accumulate into our ...
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Sustainability | 6 min read
April 21, 2021

3 big ways small businesses can step up their sustainability efforts

When it comes to environmental impact, today’s consumers are more informed than ever before and demand a new level of transparency. And it's not just conscious consumers, ...
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Sustainability | 9 min read
April 20, 2021

What is Zero Waste? The movement against waste

The world, as a whole, makes a lot of waste. A lot. Two billion tons a year, in fact. And it’s not hard to see its destructive effects, such as habitat loss. While that ...
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Sustainability | 8 min read
April 20, 2021

9 creative sustainable business ideas to reduce your impact

There are so many ways for businesses to become more sustainable. It doesn’t stop at reducing the amount of energy you use or instituting a recycling program (but you should ...
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Sustainability | 10 min read
April 19, 2021

The beginner’s guide to the circular economy

Humans are a dynamic animal—ambitious, intelligent, caring—with a baffling set of contradictory traits—destructive, myopic, careless. But when we set our minds to something, ...
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Sustainability | 13 min read
April 19, 2021

Steps you can take to make your business more environmentally sustainable

Sustainability is a noble goal in and of itself. But, it’s also a no-brainer. Because if we’re only taking and never giving back, we’ll be out of a place to live.
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Sustainability | 14 min read
March 30, 2021

Maggie Greene: Merging personal style & sustainability for career women

Style is personal, an outgrowth of all the little things that make a person uniquely them. Where that intersects with presenting one’s self to the world is where it can get ...
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Sustainability | 6 min read
March 16, 2021

Why become a B Corp?

In 2006, three chums in Pennsylvania up and left their careers to create an organization devoted to helping mission-driven companies increase their positive impact. They ...
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Sustainability | 12 min read
February 18, 2021

Buying & selling sustainably with cerqular: Meet the founders

Going online and finding what you want to buy is simple. Search engines have guaranteed us the ability to search for pants, find them, and purchase them with ease. But, ...
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Customer Stories | 5 min read
February 10, 2021 Sustainable packaging designed for small businesses

Packaging is ubiquitous in our lives—filling our cabinets, our fridges, and eventually our waste bins. So many things we buy are enrobed in some sort of protective shell and ...
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Customer Stories | 15 min read
January 5, 2021

The Source: Promoting body positivity with sustainable clothing

For so long, the clothes we wore came prescribed to us by the mores of whatever time and place we happened to live in. Comfort and body positivity didn’t quite figure into ...
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Sustainability | 6 min read
December 17, 2020

2020 Year in Review: Whoa, that was a lot

Years come and go and, at the end of each, we look back to see how far we’ve come or to think back on the good times. Then there’s 2020, a year that’ll be hard to forget (no ...
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Customer Stories | 7 min read
December 16, 2020

KIWI Eco Box: Your Zero Waste lifestyle, delivered monthly

Changing your lifestyle is hard, but once you’ve done it, it’s worth it. The trick is to find ways to make the transition simpler. With KIWI Eco Box, Kate and Nataly want to ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
November 30, 2020

Carbon neutral, ethical jewelry inspired by the Pacific Northwest

Jewelry is defining. The art you display on your body dictates the person you are to the rest of the world. Where you buy your jewelry (and where it came from) defines who ...
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Sustainability | 13 min read
November 18, 2020

21 Shopify stores for going Zero Waste now

The Zero Waste movement has gained steam in the last few years. And, with good reason! It’s becoming more and more obvious that we can’t sustain our usual routines without ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
October 26, 2020

White Buffalo Land Trust: Preserving persimmons & supporting regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an ideological shift in the way we farm, with the express goal of maintaining and improving the land. The benefits of this way of farming are ...
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Sustainability | 8 min read
October 22, 2020

10 awesome unboxing experiences that spotlight sustainability

If you’re using the internet in 2020, you’ve most likely come across the phenomenon that is unboxing experiences. It involves a person unpacking or unwrapping a package ...
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Sustainability | 4 min read
September 24, 2020

Standing in solidarity with the 2020 global youth climate strikers

It’s incredible how a crisis brings people together. Whether it's an airborne virus or climate disasters wreaking havoc, we've united to help our communities get through it.
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Sustainability | 3 min read
September 7, 2020

The votes are in and nature wins: Our newest carbon offset projects

Every year, Sendlers get to have their say on what carbon offset projects we invest in to keep every shipment 100% carbon neutral.
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Sustainability | 10 min read
August 3, 2020

19 Etsy shops to kickstart your Zero Waste lifestyle

We’ve all had that pang of regret as we toss out another empty plastic bottle or some superfluous plastic packaging. So much waste for something so small!
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Sustainability | 4 min read
August 2, 2020

What does it mean to be climate positive?

As the importance of environmentalism quickly dawns on the public consciousness, new eco-lingo starts echoing from marketing workshops through to the halls of power. Short, ...
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