At Sendle, we’re not ones to sit around and twiddle our thumbs waiting for a miracle solution to climate change. We’re leading the shipping industry toward a more sustainable future with every step we take as a business. And this year, we’re making big moves toward a cool planet with even cooler conservation projects.
Since the day we started, the carbon footprint of every package we've ever shipped has been calculated and accounted for by investing in environmental projects that promote biodiversity, support communities, and offset carbon emissions. Sustainability is in our DNA, and we still firmly believe that small business success doesn’t have to come at the cost of the Earth’s health.
It’s also no secret that the carbon footprint left behind by eCommerce and shipping won’t be reduced without significant action, especially as we work toward net zero emissions. We recognize that just relying on offsets isn’t the end-all, be-all solution to the global climate crisis. Sendle continues to see properly vetted offsets as a worthwhile way to make an immediate impact, but we know that there’s plenty more to do to take on the Big Bad that is climate change.
It takes continuous attention to tackle and requires an ongoing effort from us, our customers, and the entire shipping industry.
Looking back at our sustainability scoreboard
We’re fired up to work towards net zero emissions by 2030, and while we do everything we can to offset carbon emissions throughout our business and shipping, we know that there’s more to do to prevent emissions before they’re released. Sendle has traveled 54.9 billion kilometers since 2014 – accounting for the carbon footprint along the way – and our sights are set on going further.
So here’s what we’ve been up to, to make sure we’re heading in the right direction and keeping our planet cool.
We became Climate Neutral Certified
In addition to accounting for the carbon footprint of our shipping network, we now track emissions, have reduction goals, and offset across all of our operations, so that Sendle remains 100% carbon neutral across everything we do. We’ve said “see ya” to excessive emissions since we began – and we’ll keep saying it over and over again!
We invest in environmental projects on the behalf of our Sendlers
From the vast wildlife corridors of Peru to the wetlands of Australia, we take care of investing in projects that do more than just offsetting emissions – they’re also working night and day to promote biodiversity and support local economies.
As many as 1.6 billion people depend extensively on forest ecosystems for their livelihood and their survival. Global deforestation is a persistent problem across the globe, leading to massive amounts of greenhouse emissions. So we’ve identified environmental projects that take significant steps toward a verdant and healthier planet, for everything to thrive on it.
The world would be a lot less lively without its ecosystems and the rich biodiversity they house. It’s on us to make sure we do right by the Earth through responsible conservation and reforestation projects.
We seek benefits for people and the planet
While on the road to net zero emissions, we understand how necessary it is to prevent destructive practices from moonlighting as offsets. The health of our ecosystems should never come at the expense of their inhabitants, and no community should ever be displaced from its home.
Sendle proactively seeks projects that are managed by, or financially benefit indigenous peoples, so both people and the planet win without compromise. As it always should be!
These projects are leaving a lasting impact (the good kind!)
Take a peek at the environmental projects we’ve selected to invest in for 2023 that are doing some really awesome work. We’re especially chuffed with how these projects go beyond just offsetting carbon. On top of taking actions to reduce emissions, they’re regenerating ecosystems, conserving habitats, and supporting indigenous communities, proving that we can combat climate change and create lasting, positive change.
Tasmanian Forest

The Tasmanian Forest project stops logging and land degradation, preventing stored carbon from being released, protecting this vibrant forest with species found nowhere else, and expanding ecotourism and employment opportunities to local communities. This project’s protected area covers the habitats of several endangered species, including the Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagle, the Eastern Quoll, the Ptunarra Brown Butterfly, and the Tasmanian devil.
Teak Mexico

The Teak Mexico project prevents the loss of wildlife habitation from extensive farming and logging while aiming to restore the land and create stable job opportunities in Tabasco, Chiapas, and Campeche, Mexico. The project is heading forest management and creating a supply chain of highly valued teak wood, helping to mitigate global warming, improve soil quality and water conservation, and add biodiversity.
Alto Huayabamba

The Alto Huayabamba project conserves the tropical forests and lowlands of the Andes that teem with irreplaceable wildlife, by employing the local community, implementing sustainable initiatives, and reducing emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation. The protected area is home to many threatened animal species, like the yellow-tailed woolly monkey and species that thrive in the Huayabamba River.
Mount Sandy

The Mount Sandy protects a rare pocket of wetlands and woodlands full of native vegetation from land degradation by farmlands and employs community members of the region’s Traditional Owners, the Ngarrindjeri. The Ngarrindjeri people have cared for Coorong country for thousands of years, relying on the land to serve as their home and strategic habitats for native wildlife, such as the Short-Beaked Echidna, Purple-Gaped Honeyeater, and Elegant Parrot.
Keweenaw Bay

The Keweenaw Bay project is a community-based approach that improves forest management of the Lake Superior Chippewa area, which holds significant importance and land use to Tribal Nations whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change. This project covers 12,500 acres of tribal forestland and enables tribes to develop renewable energy projects and social programs for community members.
How you can invest in Earth with us
There’s no catch – all you have to do is continue shipping your goods with Sendle, completely carbon neutrally, and focus on running your business. And don’t forget to celebrate this win with your customers. Investing in the Earth and reducing your environmental impact is a huge win for your business, your customers, and the planet.
Keep it up and keep the conversation going, and we’ll see you at your doorstep for 100% carbon neutral shipping that’s always at no extra cost to you.
Happy Sendling!