This month is one of the most exciting months in Sendle’s history.

Not because the climate emergency we all face is solved - far, far from it! But it’s the first time we can remember the global conversation being so fixed, so robust, and so urgent about the climate change emergency.

The threat to our environment is enormous, and businesses and individuals all around the world need to come together and mobilise to change policy and redirect the course of our planet.

As many of you know, there is a massive youth-led movement spreading awareness about our current climate crisis. Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg sparked this movement at the end of 2018, when she boycotted school every Friday to demonstrate outside the Swedish parliament, calling for bold climate action.

Thousands of other school students have since followed suit, leaving school and protesting against the lack of environmental concern shown by governments. That young people feel so strongly about such a serious issue is heartening and inspiring, and we want to support them.

Why we’re joining the strike

B Corp AssessmentProtecting the environment is an issue we care deeply about at Sendle. As a company, we’ve been a certified B Corp from day one, and are Australia’s only 100% carbon neutral parcel delivery service, offsetting the carbon emissions generated by each parcel our customers have sent or had delivered, domestically and overseas. We’re also on track to be the first parcel delivery company in Australia to offer fully compostable satchels, launching very soon.

1,000,000 parcels offset

Our vision is to see a world where we all take responsibility or our impact. We would love to see every parcel in Australia delivered without impacting the environment, and recently launched our 100% Carbon Neutral Now challenge calling on Australia Post to step up its sustainability commitment. As part of this, and in support of the Climate Strikes, Sendle will offset a day’s worth of Australia Post’s domestic parcel delivery, which we estimate to be one million parcels.

Our pledge

On September 20 millions of people around the world will walk out of their workplaces and homes to join young climate strikers, and demand action on climate change.

And we are encouraging our employees, from Sydney to Manila, to participate and lend their support.

Sendle has joined the Not Business as Usual Alliance, a group of Australian and global companies - including the likes of Atlassian, FutureSuper, Canva, Oxfam, and more. - pledging to support this year’s strikes.

If you’re interested in attending a strike in your area, you can visit, type in your postcode, and locate strike gatherings around you. We feel every employee should have the ability to add their voice to such an important call for action.

In addition to our participation in the local Climate Strikes, we’ll also be having a Slack-free afternoon on 20 September for the first time in Sendle’s history.

Turning off Slack - our internal chatting tool - is a big deal! It’s the very core of how we work and communicate as a team, and we think hitting pause and disrupting our workflow shows how serious we are about prioritising action on climate change.

This kind of disruption is designed to reflect how we need to re-prioritise, as businesses, as governments, and as people.

We applaud the businesses and people all around the world who are prioritising the environment and its needs over their workdays. We are proud to be a part of the future of better business. 

Learn more about our impact

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