The mailing of packages and letters connects people throughout the United States and beyond—especially during these times of necessary isolation. The US Postal Service has been connecting us since 1775, bringing mail to every household, rain or shine (all 472 million pieces of it each day).

Care packages, ugly Christmas sweaters, election ballots, life-saving medicines. We trust that when we pop these things in the mail, they will dutifully find their way to their destination in a timely manner.

But the USPS is under threat and under strain. And we’re here to offer our support.


Logistics in solidarity

The business of moving your delightful products from the warehouse (or that back room of your apartment) to your expectant customers is undertaken by a number of dedicated carriers. 

We stand in solidarity with our siblings and partners in logistics.

And, in the US, it all started with the USPS. All those essential pieces of mail end up in our mailboxes because of them, whatever the weather, wherever the address. It gets there.

The USPS is vital for millions of small businesses across the US as well as the customers they serve. During this coronavirus pandemic, Americans are reliant on the USPS as an essential service more than ever.  

We stand with them not only because they are one of our valued delivery partners, but also because they are an integral part of the American experience.

They are not just another company. They are a public service enshrined in law: 

“The United States Postal Service shall be operated as a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States, authorized by the Constitution, created by an Act of Congress, and supported by the people.” 39 U.S.C. §101(a)


Now for some USPS facts

The United States Postal Service has been around for a very long time and handles a whole lot of mail and packages. Given that, there are tons of interesting facts about them. Such as:

  • Last year, the USPS's mail volume was 142.6 billion.
  • In a single day, they deliver 472 million pieces of mail. That’s nearly 20 million per hour!
  • To make this happen, they run 231,807 routes in an effort to reach every single person in the country.
  • To give you an idea of how long they have been operating, Ben Franklin was the first Postmaster General back when it was a cabinet position.
  • Once upon a time, they would ship just about anything. Like babies, for instance. These days they expect you to transport your own young.
  • The mail processing facility in Los Angeles has a whopping 38,000 solar panels!

Let’s celebrate the incredible job the USPS has been doing over the last 245 years and stand up for its future!


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