Stuff it, Sendle it, feed it to the worms. While it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, the truth of it is undeniable.

We're getting in the business of selling mailers. But not those plastic kind that just end up in the dump. Completely compostable mailers.

US Compostable Mailers

Our compostable mailers are simple, durable, and easy to use.

Even better, they nourish the earth when you are through with them. Just toss them in your compost heap out back or in your city yard waste bin.

Come on in!

The Sendle store is officially open. Our selection includes mailers, mailers, and some more mailers.

We could go on and on about these mailers and their miniscule environmental impact, but you probably get the point. They are great. Plus, we talk about them at length in our store.

And, if the fact of their eco-friendliness wasn't enough...

There was even a sweepstakes*

Thanks to those who entered! The giveaway is now over, but you can still buy our super green, home compostable mailers. 

Buy now

*Open only for Sendlers in the United States.

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