Sendle blog

Find your bright side in sustainable shipping and small business growth.

Black Millennial Vegan: Redefining traditions one wholesome meal at a time

Los Angeles-based Imari Scott-Cheatham is on a wellness mission to challenge her community’s eating habits and remind the world that health is real wealth.

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Customer Stories | 5 min read
September 8, 2021

Yo Soy Candle: Aromatic affirmations and candles with purpose

Portland-based Leslie Abrams has a passion for empowering others through affirmations and intentions, which can positively manifest in our lives.
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Customer Stories | 5 min read
August 20, 2021

The Melbourne potter challenging mass production with objects that are fun and functional

During the pandemic, many of us have relied on home decor to enrich our daily routines and spruce up our work from home spaces.
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Customer Stories | 6 min read
August 17, 2021

Eco Collective: The women-owned wellness brand shaking up your zero waste routine

After living the zero waste lifestyle for a number of years, Genevieve Fisher knew the only way to drive real change was to create her own business and inspire others to do ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
June 7, 2021

Climate Cookery: Utilizing traditional crops for modern foods

What we eat is as central to who we are as the clothes we wear or our favorite books. But, there are many foods we’ve never gotten the chance to accumulate into our ...
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Customer Stories | 16 min read
May 25, 2021

The best small businesses around the world, according to Sendlers

It feels great to buy from small businesses. These humble and eminently human sellers are the true lifeblood of our local economies, recirculating their incomes back into the ...
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Customer Stories | 11 min read
May 20, 2021

Two Birds Coffee: Building community, one cup at a time

Starting a business is rarely only about turning a profit—though, that’s also nice. As a business owner, you want to make a difference and create relationships with your ...
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Customer Stories | 25 min read
May 10, 2021

Hey Sendler, S2, E2: A masterclass in balancing your 9 to 5 with your side hustle

For episode two of our second season, we’re talking about skin. Specifically, how to make your skin silky soft and healthy. To help us, we had on Ashley Cummings of Natural ...
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Customer Experience | 11 min read
March 25, 2021

20 Women-owned small businesses that you really gotta check out

We buy things all the time, as the need or want arises and are guided by our reserves of disposable income. But, where we are directing these funds is what really matters. ...
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Customer Stories | 6 min read
March 11, 2021

The pack of cards that may just be your next marriage counselor

The very beginning of a relationship is always the best part—true love, pure bliss, those butterflies fluttering about your stomach. But then comes a baby (or two) and ...
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Customer Stories | 7 min read
March 9, 2021

Sendler advice corner: Tips on how to start your small business

Knowing exactly what to do when starting a new business is hard—some might say impossible. You try to check all the boxes, listen to the right people, recheck all the boxes, ...
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Customer Stories | 33 min read
March 3, 2021

Hey Sendler, Ep 8: Spinning sustainable yarns with knitwear brand SSKEIN

For our last episode of 2020, Jenn had on Elisa Yip of the knitwear brand SSKEIN. Utilizing the sustainable fur of the noble alpaca, she has been able to create a longer ...
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Customer Stories | 12 min read
March 2, 2021

Celestial Surf Studio: Slinging ceramics that elevate our daily routines

The earth contains many inert wonders full of potential forms and energies. A hunk of clay only needs hands to pluck it out and transform it into something magnificently ...
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Customer Stories | 9 min read
February 24, 2021

Natural Ash: Nursing your skin back to health

Your skin is your largest organ. It protects the inside of your body against all the slings and arrows of the outside world. So, obviously you should treat with the respect ...
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Customer Stories | 5 min read
February 10, 2021 Sustainable packaging designed for small businesses

Packaging is ubiquitous in our lives—filling our cabinets, our fridges, and eventually our waste bins. So many things we buy are enrobed in some sort of protective shell and ...
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Customer Experience | 8 min read
February 4, 2021

Valentine’s gift ideas for staying cozy at home this year

The ancient history of fellas named Valentine is not about their fondness for romantic gestures but their penchant for routine martyrdom. Not exactly what you want to put in ...
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Customer Stories | 15 min read
January 5, 2021

The Source: Promoting body positivity with sustainable clothing

For so long, the clothes we wore came prescribed to us by the mores of whatever time and place we happened to live in. Comfort and body positivity didn’t quite figure into ...
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Customer Stories | 7 min read
December 16, 2020

KIWI Eco Box: Your Zero Waste lifestyle, delivered monthly

Changing your lifestyle is hard, but once you’ve done it, it’s worth it. The trick is to find ways to make the transition simpler. With KIWI Eco Box, Kate and Nataly want to ...
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Customer Stories | 20 min read
December 13, 2020

The ‘shipped with Sendle’ gift guide

At Sendle, we are blessed with a roster of amazing businesses from which we can choose exciting gifts for our loved ones, be they across the country or in the next room. What ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
November 30, 2020

Carbon neutral, ethical jewelry inspired by the Pacific Northwest

Jewelry is defining. The art you display on your body dictates the person you are to the rest of the world. Where you buy your jewelry (and where it came from) defines who ...
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Customer Stories | 39 min read
November 19, 2020

Hey Sendler, Ep 6: Harnessing social change through small business

Here we are with our sixth episode of Hey Sendler! This time, Jenn chats with Jenni Moon of No Rival Industries, a startup focused on impact projects that make positive ...
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Customer Stories | 38 min read
October 28, 2020

Hey Sendler, Ep 5: Three dads and a sustainable side hustle

For our fifth episode of Hey Sendler, Jenn convened a gathering of the dads from Jill & Joey to talk about their sustainable reusable bag side hustle. They are our first ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
October 26, 2020

White Buffalo Land Trust: Preserving persimmons & supporting regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an ideological shift in the way we farm, with the express goal of maintaining and improving the land. The benefits of this way of farming are ...
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Customer Stories | 8 min read
October 15, 2020

Dough Dealer: Everything you need for your perfect loaf

Bread is a simple food—water, flour, yeast, salt mixed and coaxed to life through time and heat. For such a simple thing, its effect on us is complex.
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Customer Stories | 4 min read
October 12, 2020

Sendle’s 2020 brand campaign: Quirky, magical, all about the hustle

2020—a year like no other! As the end fast approaches (mercifully so), we felt it was time to inject a little fun and a bit of magic into the Sendle-sphere with our newest ...
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Customer Stories | 7 min read
October 7, 2020

No Rival, Volume 2: Fighting voter suppression with apparel

In a first for Sendle’s series of customer stories, we’ve got a repeat! No Rival Industries is back with their second impact project, an effort to help give identity to those ...
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Customer Stories | 31 min read
September 14, 2020

Hey Sendler, Ep 2: Getting the sauce on Boon [Webinar]

Welcome to the second installment of Hey Sendler, our first ever webinar series where we talk to small business owners and small business experts to learn their unique ...
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Customer Stories | 16 min read
September 10, 2020

Fat x Flour: A pastry chef’s pivot to eCommerce

Figuring out what you want to do with your life is exciting (and a little scary), yet sometimes—when fate throws you a bone—the path seems obvious. Helena found her fate in ...
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Customer Stories | 5 min read
August 3, 2020

Domino Vintage: Sustainability through secondhand finds

Sustainability isn’t always achieved by looking forward and creating new technologies. Sometimes it takes digging into the old and finding something that can replace the need ...
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Customer Stories | 6 min read
July 14, 2020

Modern Theory: The smell-good, feel-good candle brand

Not every candle is created equal. While many smell delightful (or like cookies for some reason), what goes into them can vary greatly (such as dirty petroleum-derived ...
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